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Catbloom Cotton Tote Bag by Danica

Apparel and Jewelry

Catbloom Cotton Tote Bag by Danica

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Catbloom Cotton Tote Bag by Danica


Sling this Catbloom Studio Tote over your shoulder for the weekly farmers' market run. Inside, the accommodating interior presents a structured bottom, center pocket and metal D-ring to handily organize all your essentials. On the surface, typographic elements interweave with eclectic patterns that catch inspired glances on the way.

12.5-inch strap drop

  • 16"H x 13"W x 6"D

  • 100% Cotton

  • Machine Wash Cold on Delicate, Hang to Dry

  • Danica & Now Designs are headquartered in Vancouver, B.C. Their in-house team of designers create unique home products of the highest quality and attention to detail

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