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Myth Scarf by Danica

Apparel and Jewelry

Myth Scarf by Danica

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Myth Scarf by Danica


Start conversations at every social event you attend when you're wrapped in the storytelling folds of this  compelling Myth Cotton Long Designer Scarf Tan!

Universal symbols of natural cycles and seasons create a captivating and versatile accessory.

Scarves are so versatile. Draped across your shoulders, wrapped around your waist, tied into a pretty loop on the handle of your tote bag.

Super soft and lightweight, almost translucent, these flowy cotton scarves sway and dance through work days, travel and every changing season. Cozy up to extra warmth in the spring and fall, or cool off on a hot summer day.

Airy, breathable 100% cotton brings you comfortable and beautiful layering year-round.

  • 40 x 72 inches, Sewn Edges

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