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Hanging Earrings - Watermelon Picnic by Yellow Owl

Apparel and Jewelry

Hanging Earrings - Watermelon Picnic by Yellow Owl

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Hanging Earrings - Watermelon Picnic by Yellow Owl


Picnic season is a state of mind, and these earrings are proof. One features a smiling watermelon slice, and the other emulates a classic checkerboard picnic blanket. Wear one on each ear, or combine them on a double ear piercing!

Yellow Owl's new 22k gold-gilt hoop earrings are tiny little sculptures that hit the light just right. Made of brilliant cloisonné, these tarnish-resistant hoops are lead, nickel and cadmium free with a hypo-allergenic coating so they are suitable for even the most sensitive ears.

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