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Hygge & West Home : Design For a Cozy Life


Hygge & West Home : Design For a Cozy Life

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Hygge & West Home : Design For a Cozy Life


From the cofounders of the popular design company. “Inside the must-read, the duo takes us inside 20 homes that embody the hygge way of life.” —Architectural Digest

Tastemakers Christiana and Aimee of Hygge & West know that the key to making a house into a home is in the decoration—whether that means embracing natural elements, creating cozy spaces, making room for family, or finding your own personal charm in every space. Hygge & West Home offers a look into twenty covetable homes designed to promote feelings of coziness, companionship, and comfort, from an intimate apartment in San Francisco to a log cabin in Wyoming, a family home in Minneapolis, and a colorful oasis in Brooklyn. With page after page of aspirational interiors, engaging interviews with home owners, and tips on creating similar feelings in any space, this eye-catching book explores what makes a house a truly personal space and offers readers the tools and inspiration to make their home their own.

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