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The Deleted World - Tomas Tranströmer

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The Deleted World - Tomas Tranströmer


A short selection of haunting, meditative poems from the winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature

Tomas Tranströmer can be clearly recognized not just as Sweden's most important poet, but as a writer of international stature whose work speaks to us now with undiminished clarity and resonance. Long celebrated as a master of the arresting, suggestive image, Tranströmer is a poet of the liminal: drawn again and again to thresholds of light and of water, the boundaries between man and nature, wakefulness and dream. A deeply spiritual but secular writer, his skepticism about humanity is continually challenged by the implacable renewing power of the natural world. His poems are epiphanies rooted in experience: spare, luminous meditations that his extraordinary images split open―exposing something sudden, mysterious, and unforgettable.

Paperback, 41 pages

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