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Hermann The German Gingerbread Cookies w/ Cocoa Glaze (Alpenbrot Lebkuchen)


Hermann The German Gingerbread Cookies w/ Cocoa Glaze (Alpenbrot Lebkuchen)

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Hermann The German Gingerbread Cookies w/ Cocoa Glaze (Alpenbrot Lebkuchen)


Baked in Germany using high-quality ingredients, these traditional cookies are a special treat.

Ingredients: Wheat flour, cocoa icing (sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, cocoa powder, spices), high fructose corn syrup, sugar, invert sugar syrup, palm oil, spices, leavening (ammonium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate) caramel sugar syrup, citric acid, tartaric acid. Contains: Soy, Wheat. May contain traces of almonds, egg, hazelnut, milk.


Made in Germany.

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