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Hafi Fig & Olive Muscovado Marmalade


Hafi Fig & Olive Muscovado Marmalade


Hafi Fig & Olive Muscovado Marmalade


Hafi, one of our favorite Swedish brands has some new marmalades.  Fig & Olive Muscovado marmalade is an exciting addition to a cheese tray, and also goes well with ice cream or as a flavoring agent in various baked goods.

Muscovado sugar is unrefined cane sugar that contains natural molasses. It has a rich brown color, moist texture, and toffee-like taste. It's commonly used to give confections like cookies, cakes, and candies a deeper flavor but can also be added to savory dishes.

INGREDIENTS: Muscovado Sugar, Syrup, Figs (20%), Olives (20%), Lemon Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, Thickener (pectin), Preservative (potassium sorbate).

5.29 oz

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