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Fazer Dumle Soft Toffee with Milk Chocolate Winter Mix


Fazer Dumle Soft Toffee with Milk Chocolate Winter Mix

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Fazer Dumle Soft Toffee with Milk Chocolate Winter Mix


Delight in the festive flavors of Fazer Dumle Soft Toffee with Milk Chocolate Winter Mix! This 6.34 oz. (180g) limited-edition bag features mini soft toffee candies wrapped in smooth Finnish milk chocolate and celebrates the season with three delicious winter-inspired flavors: rich brownie, cozy gingerbread, and refreshing polka mint. Each piece delivers a melt-in-your-mouth toffee center surrounded by creamy chocolate, creating a perfect harmony of textures and tastes. Ideal for holiday gatherings, stocking stuffers, or simply treating yourself to a taste of Finnish winter traditions, Fazer Dumle Winter Mix brings warmth and cheer to every bite. Don’t miss this limited-edition selection, crafted to capture the essence of the season in a delightful assortment.

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