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D'Arbo Apricot Fruit Spread


D'Arbo Apricot Fruit Spread


D'Arbo Apricot Fruit Spread


D'Arbo Apricot Fruit Spread is a very tasty jam that comes from an old family recipe. The fruits are heated slowly and stirred to keep their natural flavors. This delicious jar of D'Arbo jam is made with fresh apricots that have a sweet and sour taste.

You can spread this real fruit jam on toast, fresh bread, pancakes, and cookies in the morning. You can put it in your ice cream, yogurt, and smoothies if you want to. Or try pairing it with a selection of cheeses and crackers.

Ingredients: Apricots, sugar, fruit pectin, lemon juice concentrate

Size: 16 oz

Origin: Product of Austria

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