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Nyakers Swedish Ginger Cookies - Sweet and Spicy Heart-Shaped Gingersnaps


Nyakers Swedish Ginger Cookies - Sweet and Spicy Heart-Shaped Gingersnaps

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Nyakers Swedish Ginger Cookies - Sweet and Spicy Heart-Shaped Gingersnaps


Indulge in the authentic taste of Nyakers Pepparkakor Swedish Heart-Shaped Gingersnap Cookies. Made by renowned brand Nyakers, these crispy and aromatic cookies perfectly blend sweet and spicy flavors for a satisfying crunch. Elevate your holiday celebrations with these golden, light, and delicious treats.

  • Ingredients: Wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil (shea, coconut and rapeseed oils, natural flavor), sodium bicarbonate, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, salt. Contains wheat.

  • Product of Sweden

  • 14.11 oz

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