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Toro Peppersaus- Pepper Sauce


Toro Peppersaus- Pepper Sauce


Toro Peppersaus- Pepper Sauce


TORO Pepper sauce is a classic that adds great flavor to steak, chops, fish and chicken. Feel free to add a little cooking cream for a milder sauce. Easy to like, easy to make.

1 Empty the powder into a saucepan and add 1 dl water and 2 dl milk.

2 Bring to a boil while stirring, use a whisk.

3 Boil the sauce for 5 minutes. For a sharper sauce – replace milk with water. For a milder sauce - add a little cream.

wheat flour, corn starch, yeast extract, aroma, sunflower oil, salt, coloring (ammonia caramel), sugar, pepper 4% (rosé, black), onion

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