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Toro Mashed Root Vegetables (Rot Mos)


Toro Mashed Root Vegetables (Rot Mos)


Toro Mashed Root Vegetables (Rot Mos)

Sale Price:$5.95 Original Price:$7.95

"Rot Mos," or Mashed Root Vegetables is a classic Scandinavian dish that is being rediscovered.  It is healthy and easy to make, and is made with 5 different root vegetables: potatoes, colrabi, carrot, parsnip and celery.  

It is a dehydrated product that you add water, milk and butter to. A very traditional product from Norway. Typically eaten with pork or veal sausages but is also great with pork chops, chicken, turkey, etc. It would make a great addition to a Thanksgiving dinner. 

Ingredients: Vegetables 74% (potato, carrot, kohlrabi, parsnip, , onion), oil (sunflower, rapeseed), glucose syrup, corn starch, salt, aroma, modified corn starch, emulsifier (monoglyceride), antioxidant (sodium diphosphate, ascorbyl palmitate, ), spices, lecithin (sunflower).

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