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Kosta Boda Bruk Jar With Cork Lid- Grey

Housewares and Decor

Kosta Boda Bruk Jar With Cork Lid- Grey

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Kosta Boda Bruk Jar With Cork Lid- Grey

from $40.00

The word Bruk in Swedish has many cool meanings: the use of something, the custom of traditions, plaster, and works as in glassworks. This all goes in line with this handy collection: Bruk is the plaster that binds everything together in a home. The mouth-blown jar has an airtight lid of cork, making it great for storing dry goods or pickled foods.

Designed by Anna Ehrner

  • Mouth-blown glass/cork lid

  • Jar is dishwasher safe; wash cork by hand 

  • Small: 3”x 3.15”- 7.5 oz

  • Medium: 4.5” x 4.63”- 27 oz

  • Large: 6.63 x 5.25”- 57 oz

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