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Price & Kensington Woodland Collection Sugar Storage Jar

Housewares and Decor

Price & Kensington Woodland Collection Sugar Storage Jar

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Price & Kensington Woodland Collection Sugar Storage Jar


Bring charming woodland wonder to your kitchen with Price & Kensington's Woodland Collection Sugar Storage Jar. Made of high-quality ceramic with an airtight silicone seal, this storage jar makes a stylish statement on your countertop while ensuring coffee stays fresh. The cozy pattern full of forest friends welcomes a natural inspiration to your home, while the acorn-shaped handle completes the aesthetic. Perfect for pairing with other items within the Woodland Collection, this storage jar will help transform your home into the coziest cottage around.

High-quality ceramic construction

  • Silicone seal on lid to keep foods fresh

  • Diameter: 5"

  • Height: 6.5"

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