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Kosta Boda Small Poppy Bowl Votive

Housewares and Decor

Kosta Boda Small Poppy Bowl Votive

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Kosta Boda Small Poppy Bowl Votive


Kjell has a penchant for designing challenging models and has a great respect for the glassblowers of Southern Sweden. Organic free forms fire the imagination. Colorful, playful and filled with bubbles. “The poppy flower is associated with Demeter - the Greek goddess of fertility and harvest. My inspiration comes from a poppy that just is opening... The colors symbolize the different color schemes of daylight, rain, frost and sun. The amazing shape with its unevenness and texture was somewhat of a challenge to make in glass” -  Kjell Engman

  • Designed by Kjell Engman

  • Lead-free crystal bowl

  • Holds 1 votive candle (sold separately)

  • Approx. 4.0" x 3.5"

  • Hand wash

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