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Rosendahl Lyngby Porcelain Rhombe Color Mug

Housewares and Decor

Rosendahl Lyngby Porcelain Rhombe Color Mug

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Rosendahl Lyngby Porcelain Rhombe Color Mug


The Rhombe mug is a tribute to the classic tableware and a distinguished reinterpretation of a popular and well-known pattern, which coms from Lyngby Porcelain's extensive design archives.

  • Dimensions: 3.3" diameter x 4.1"H

  • Capacity: 11.2 oz.

  • Imported

  • The porcelain factory in Denmark, Lyngby Porcelæn, was founded in 1936. The company produces porcelain tableware, vases, and other decorative art of high-quality craftsmanship.

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