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Multi-Colored Hand-Stamped Stoneware Dessert Bowls with Floral Patterns (Set of 4 Styles)

Housewares and Decor

Multi-Colored Hand-Stamped Stoneware Dessert Bowls with Floral Patterns (Set of 4 Styles)

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Multi-Colored Hand-Stamped Stoneware Dessert Bowls with Floral Patterns (Set of 4 Styles)


Add a pop of color to your dinnerware with these multicolored serving bowls. You can use them for salad, soup, rice and more. The distinct floral patterns bring visual appeal. Built to last, each bowl offers dishwasher-safe stone construction.

Each one of these kitchen bowls measures 4.75" round and 2.5"

30 oz

Brand: Creative Co-Op

Color: Multicolor

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