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iittala Aalto Special Edition Recycled Glass Candle Holder

Housewares and Decor

iittala Aalto Special Edition Recycled Glass Candle Holder

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iittala aalto blue.jpg

iittala Aalto Special Edition Recycled Glass Candle Holder


The free-flowing curves allow this stunning votive to be beautifully grouped with other Aalto candleholders, though it's stunning solo as well.

Please note: Because each is made from recycled glass, colors may vary and small bubbles and other unique imperfections may occur. See secondary image for examples of this variation.

Brand: iittala

  • Designer: Alvar Aatlo

  • Dimensions: 2-1/4" H x 3-1/2" W (6 x 9 cm)

  • Material: 100% Recycled Glass

  • Country: Designed in Finland, Made in Finland

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