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Pluto Stig Lindberg Travel Mug Berså

Housewares and Decor

Pluto Stig Lindberg Travel Mug Berså

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Pluto Stig Lindberg Travel Mug Berså


Celebrating the work of legendary Swedish designer Stig Lindberg, Pluto Design introduces a range of beautiful, authentic homewares based on the original Berså series. The insulated thermos mug features Lindberg's famous leaf motif (Berså translates as arbour), designed in 1961 at the Gustavsberg Factory in the Stockholm archipelago. Get out and enjoy the great outdoors and take your favourite drink with you - the stylish nature-inspired Travel Mug will keep it hot all day, allowing you to make the best of your time in the wild.

  • Capacity: 350ml

  • Material: Stainless Steel, Plastic

  • Handwash

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