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Mine 10 oz. Tumbler by Ulrica Hydman Vallien for Kosta Boda

Housewares and Decor

Mine 10 oz. Tumbler by Ulrica Hydman Vallien for Kosta Boda

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Mine 10 oz. Tumbler by Ulrica Hydman Vallien for Kosta Boda


Designed by Ulrica Hydman-Vallien. The Mine collection with it's cheerful colors fits in everywhere and will stand up to just about anything. The swirling, irregular veils of color make each piece an individual in its own right. With this incredibly popular collection there's no question, because each piece is unique. With its swirls of rich color, Mine is charming and fun, has a built-in story, is eminently collective, and makes a one-of-a-kind gift.

4.5" x 3.75", 10 oz

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