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My best friend mug

Housewares and Decor

My best friend mug


My best friend mug


My Best Friend Has Four Legs Green 10 Ounce Stoneware Drinking Mug

Sip with Purpose and Show Your Love for Cats! Introducing the Mug Classic Boxed (310ml) - Battersea (Cat), a charming tribute to our four-legged friends, designed in partnership with Battersea Dogs & Cats Home by Half Moon Bay. This beautifully crafted stoneware mug is perfect for cat lovers who want to enjoy their favorite beverage while supporting a great cause. With dimensions of 9.5 x 9 x 11 cm, this 310ml mug is both dishwasher and microwave safe, combining practicality with heartwarming design. It comes elegantly packaged in a gift box, making it an ideal gift for any animal lover or supporter of Battersea's mission. Enjoy your daily coffee or tea knowing you're making a difference. Show your support for Battersea and celebrate your love for cats - get your Battersea mug today!

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