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Set of 4 Stackable Stoneware Dipping Dish Bowls- Canyon by Danica

Housewares and Decor

Set of 4 Stackable Stoneware Dipping Dish Bowls- Canyon by Danica


Set of 4 Stackable Stoneware Dipping Dish Bowls- Canyon by Danica



  • A catch-all dish for dips, spreads and anything else you can imagine

  • Packaged in a printed box meant to be reused

  • STONEWARE BOWLS: Serve dips, spreads, snacks and more in these sleek set of 4 stoneware dipping bowls. Bold, solid colors make for the perfect mix and match collection

  • FUNCTION & STYLE: Every fun dip deserves to be served in these stunning kitchen dip bowls with a variety of colors with a matte finish that allow you to choose the right dish for each meal. Microwave and dishwasher safe

  • VERSATILE VESSELS: Use these small bowls as serving dishes for condiments, snacks, candy & other finger foods. Great for meal prepping or as a small jewelry dish or trinket tray. Measures 4.5" diameter x 0.75" height

  • Care Instructions: Dishwasher & microwave safe 

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