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Christmas Comes to Moominvalley by Tove Jansson


Christmas Comes to Moominvalley by Tove Jansson

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Christmas Comes to Moominvalley by Tove Jansson


An exquisitely illustrated retelling of Tove Jansson's classic story The Fir Tree, in which the Moomins are awakened from their Long Winter Sleep to be told that Christmas is coming. The only trouble is, the Moomins have no idea who—or what—Christmas is. As the Moomins prepare for Christmas, they learn what Christmas is really about.

The Moomins are celebrating a major revival. These contemporary editions of the classic tales, in which Moomintroll goes on adventures with his friends and family in the winter, are a joy for all Moomin fans, as well as those just discovering this extraordinary world. Gently exploring the nature of friendship, these are picture books for all ages.

Ages 4-8.  40 pages.  Hardcover. 

10.2 in H | 7.8 in W

 by Tove Jansson of Finland

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