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Uncle Goose Nursery Rhyme Favorite Blocks


Uncle Goose Nursery Rhyme Favorite Blocks


Uncle Goose Nursery Rhyme Favorite Blocks


Teach children classic storytelling skills. We curated a set of 9 favorite Mother Goose rhymes, then embossed each block with two iconic images from each classic tale. Read the playful text for each rhyme on the four other sides in our original, artful font.

Enjoy the soft, refined color palette. Note the illustrated drop caps that signal the start of every nursery rhyme. Then, spin each block to the left to read the entire story. A storybook font compliments this whimsical approach. Will there be kittens? Will they have mittens? You'll need to buy a set to find out.

  • 9 - 1.75 inch cubes

  • Made using sustainable Midwestern basswood

  • Printed with safe-to-touch inks

  • 100% made in the USA

  • Ages 2+

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