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Uncle Goose Swedish Blocks


Uncle Goose Swedish Blocks

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Uncle Goose Swedish Blocks


Expand your knowledge of Sweden and the Swedish language. Enjoy the embossed Swedish design elements that surround two letters on each block. Two other sides reveal one number and one animal paired with their Swedish translations. Two more capital letters make for four complete alphabets in this hand crafted set.

Enjoy the lean, clean color palette. You'll find those colors in Swedish textiles. The design? Simple, modern, and clean. The filigree? Inspired by a Swedish plate, it’s unique to the Uncle Goose Swedish ABC block set.

  • 30 - 1.75 inch cubes

  • Made using sustainable Midwestern basswood

  • Printed with safe-to-touch inks

  • 100% made in the USA

  • Ages 2+

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