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Kauniste Basket Poster from Finland

Stationery and Paper Goods

Kauniste Basket Poster from Finland

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basket poster.jpeg

Kauniste Basket Poster from Finland


The Basket poster is drawn with fine details of the basket weaving. The colour of the print is a golden yellow. The poster is drawn by Helsinki based textile artist and designer Tong Ren.

This is a standard A2 size poster (42cm x 59.4cm) which will fit most common frames for A2 size posters or 50cm x 70cm frames with a background paper or a passepartout. This poster is printed on brilliant white paper. The paper type is smooth, uncoated, 160g high quality paper.

Please note that the screen colors will vary from actual printed colors. The image quality on the screen is low resolution and does not represent the actual high quality of the print.

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