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Carl Larsson Book of Postcards- Pomegranate

Stationery and Paper Goods

Carl Larsson Book of Postcards- Pomegranate


Carl Larsson Book of Postcards- Pomegranate


Carl Larsson with his wife, Karin Bergöö. lavished energy on remodeling and decorating their cottage in Sundborn, Sweden, which became an integral part of his paintings. Larsson’s light, bright watercolors presented their home and family in charming, idyllic settings. His style was a unique amalgam of Swedish folk traditions, English Arts and Crafts design ideas, and Art Nouveau and Japanese influences, and he continues to be revered as Sweden’s best-loved artist. Enjoy Larsson’s inviting work with these 30 postcards.

• Informative introductory text
• Backs of postcards offer enough room for short messages
• Perforated for easy removal
• Oversized postcards may require additional postage

Book: 6.875 x 4.75 x .375 in.
Postcard: 6.5 x 4.75 in.

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