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Swedish Dream Sea Aster Candle

Bath and Body

Swedish Dream Sea Aster Candle

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Swedish Dream Sea Aster Candle


A clean burn starts with clean ingredients.

Made with 100% natural soy, lead-free cotton wick, and hand-poured with love in the Ocean State, the Swedish Dream Candle Cutie collection will have you dreaming of long days spent by the sea.

Enjoy the classic scents of crisp salty air (sea salt), warm ocean breezes (seaweed), and summer greens & driftwood (sea aster).

Makes the perfect gift all year round!


  • 4 oz. glass jar with twist-off lid

  • Approx 25-hour burn time

  • Certified Vegan & Cruelty-free

  • Hand-poured in the Ocean State

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