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Wood Aromatics Hand Salve- Balsam Pine

Bath and Body

Wood Aromatics Hand Salve- Balsam Pine

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Wood Aromatics Hand Salve- Balsam Pine


Wood Aromatics Hand Salves are made in New England and formulated with aloe vera and shea butter to protect hard-working hands all year round. These soothing salves work quickly to help repair cracked, dry skin and are great for hands, feet, elbows, and beards. It's pocket-friendly and makes the perfect gift! Immerse yourself in the intoxicatingly fresh and woodsy aromas of Cedar Wood, Balsam Pine and Palo Santo, transporting you to the heart of the forest. 

BALSAM PINE: Fresh, woodsy aromas of winter pine, balsam, clove, and fir needle.

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