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Danica Heirloom Set of 4 Linen Hemstitch Napkins


Danica Heirloom Set of 4 Linen Hemstitch Napkins

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Danica Heirloom Set of 4 Linen Hemstitch Napkins


The Danica Heirloom Set of 4 Linen Hemstitch Napkins are each framed in a delicate hemstitch detail, for a table setting that can be dressed up or down. The 18" x 18" napkins are made from soft, 100" cotton linen and beautifully colored in versatile neutrals. Handmade and ethically produced, Danica Heirloom offers items in tones and textures that bring the world to your home. Machine washable.

Features of the Danica Heirloom Set of 4 Linen Hemstitch Napkins include:

  • Soft cotton linen with delicate hemstitch detailed edges

  • Neutral tones can be dressed up or down

  • Machine wash cold, tumble dry low

  • Set of four 18" x 18" napkins

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