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Hand-Woven Cotton Chindi Table Runner w/ Fringe, Red & White Plaid


Hand-Woven Cotton Chindi Table Runner w/ Fringe, Red & White Plaid

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Hand-Woven Cotton Chindi Table Runner w/ Fringe, Red & White Plaid


Add some color and texture to the table with this hand-woven cotton chindi table runner with fringe and red and white plaid. This table runner is a cozy and rustic piece that features a red and white plaid pattern and a fringe that adds some charm and character to any space. The table runner is ideal for any season, whether it is a summer barbecue, a fall harvest, a winter holiday, or a spring picnic. The table runner is made of cotton, which makes it soft, smooth, durable, and easy to care for. The table runner measures 72 inches in length and 14 inches in width, making it a great fit for most tables. Transform any table into a stylish display with this versatile and functional table runner. A hand-woven cotton chindi table runner with a red and white plaid pattern and a fringe that adds some color and texture. A cozy and rustic piece that can create a warm and inviting atmosphere for the dining table. This table runner is perfect for any occasion, whether it is a casual family meal, a festive holiday celebration, or a special event.

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