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Towel Sara's Roof Frosty Green by Iris Hantverk


Towel Sara's Roof Frosty Green by Iris Hantverk


Towel Sara's Roof Frosty Green by Iris Hantverk


Iris Hantverk started out in 1870 in Stockholm as a small collective of craftsmen with impaired vision who set out to make traditional, natural fiber brushes in order to gain economic independence. True to its original purpose, the company still provides employment opportunities for visually impaired artisans in both Sweden and Estonia to this day. Iris Hantverk's mission of sustainable design shines through its entire collection of household essentials, crafted with the finest natural and ethically sourced materials using time-honored methods.

Tea towel in a lovely linen quality. Ideal for drying dishes but also works nicely as a hand towel.

100 % linen

Lenght 25”, Width 18”

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