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Handcrafted 9" Lifelike Rabbit, Bunny  Stuffed Animal by Hansa


Handcrafted 9" Lifelike Rabbit, Bunny Stuffed Animal by Hansa

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Handcrafted 9" Lifelike Rabbit, Bunny Stuffed Animal by Hansa


RABBIT, BUNNY 9''  from Hansa Creations U.S.A.  Step into the serene beauty of nature with HANSA Creation USA's Realistic Woodland and Prairie Animal Collection.

HANSA CREATION, INC. Collection is HANSA CREATION's hand-crafted collection of realistic plush animals. It takes great pride in each enchanting work of soft sculpture art, carefully designed to educate, fascinate, captivate and inspire creative play for collectors of all ages. 

The black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus ), also known as the American desert hare, is a common hare of the western United States and Mexico.


  • 7 inches long

  • 6 inches wide

  • 9 inches tall

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