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From the Desk of Jane Austen: 100 Postcards Regular price

Stationery and Paper Goods

From the Desk of Jane Austen: 100 Postcards Regular price

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From the Desk of Jane Austen: 100 Postcards Regular price


For Jane Austen fans who treasure the art of correspondence, an elegant keepsake box filled with 100 postcards featuring the ubiquitous wit of Austen’s sentiments, to mail to loved ones, frame as a set, or pin to an inspiration board.

“Expect a most agreeable letter, for having nothing at all to say, there shall be no check to my genius from beginning to end.” Jane Austen’s bustling life rarely left her without news to share, but even in those spare moments with nothing to pen, her incandescent wit manages to shine throughout her letters. Collected from her extensive collection of personal correspondence, this box contains 100 postcards featuring 25 of her most beloved witticisms (reproduced 4 times). Housed in a beautifully designed keepsake box, this set of postcards makes a thoughtful gift for any Austen lover.

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